ANESTHETISTS AND PILOTS – Where we are similar.
Love what we do.
Are the cool science geeks. We love to know “how things works”.
Tend to be good communicators thereby help teams work well together.
We are leaders – At “the head of the table” and “the flight deck”.
Are disciplined and mentally have a “Make it happen” attitude.
Are risk mitigators. We are highly safety conscious thus we follow rules, however we also know when to break them.
Pre-op patient assessments = Pre-flight checks (weather, etc.)
Anesthetic plans with alternates = Flight plans with alternates.
We calculate everything…. even if it’s just a rough idea. We combine science with the art of what we do.
Our goal is boredom in each and every case/flight, therefore, no surprises! We have experienced hours of boredom and minutes of terror.
Buuuuuttttt, we always remain calm…..no one ever sees our fear – including us. (We take time to reflect on things like that later…)
Pre-incision “Time-Out” is like the Pre-flight briefing – take off and departure plans.
Induction phases I & II of anesthesia = the Take-off and Climb phases of flight
Maintenance phase III of anesthesia = the Cruise phase
Emergence phase = Descent and Landing.
We systematically scan everything. We have situational awareness and manage and weight many variables.
Compression stockings for long cases/flights… just the ladies? Idk.
Anesthetists talk about “Depth” of anesthesia (like in the ocean) whereas Altitude would be like how “high” a patient is.
Anesthetists are usually stuck in cold, windowless rooms instead of looking out at a glorious horizon
Anesthetists wear “pajamas” to work.
Pilots are buried with their mistakes.
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